Lifepath Number 22

You were born under the most powerful and potentially the most successful of all Life Path numbers. It offers you the extremes of life’s possibilities: on one hand, you have the potential to be the Master Builder, the person capable of perceiving something great in the archetypal world and manifesting it in the relative world;…

LifePath Number 11

You have the potential to be a source of inspiration and illumination for people. You possess an inordinate amount of energy and intuition. There is so much going on in your psyche that you are often misunderstood early in life, making you shy and withdrawn. You have far more potential than you know. You galvanize…

Lifepath Number 9

You are the philanthropist, humanitarian, socially conscious, and are deeply concerned about the state of the world. You have great compassion and idealism. You are a utopian, and will spend your life trying to realize some aspect of your utopian dream, sacrificing money, time, and energy for a better world. It is in giving that…

Lifepath Number 8

You are gifted with natural leadership and the capacity to accumulate great wealth. You have great talent for management in all areas of life, especially in business and financial matters. You understand the material world; you intuitively know what makes virtually any enterprise work. Your talent lies not with the bookkeeping or petty management, but…

Lifepath Number 7

You are the searcher and the seeker of the truth. You have a clear and compelling sense of yourself as a spiritual being . As a result, your life path is devoted to investigations into the unknown, and finding the answers to the mysteries of life. You are well-equipped to handle your task. You possess…

Lifepath Number 6

You possess great compassion and seek to be of service to others. You have concern for the weak and the downtrodden. You are a healer and a helper to others. You are capable of giving comfort to those in need and will frequently offer a shoulder for others to cry on. Your task in life…

Lifepath #5

The key to your personality is freedom. You love travel, adventure, variety and meeting new people. You possess the curiosity of a cat and long to experience all of life. You love to be involved in several things at the same time as long as you are not tied down to any one area. You…


You are practical, down to earth with strong ideas about right and wrong. You are orderly and organized, systematic and controlled, you are decisive and methodical employing a step by step rational approach to problems solving. Once committed you do not give up easily! You are not one for “get rich quick” schemes. Rather you…

Lifepath Number 3

You possess a great talent for creativity and self expression.  Many writers, poets, actors and musicians are born under the 3 Life Path. You are witty, possess a gift for gab, and savor the limelight. Your talent for the expressive arts is so abundant that you may well have felt drawn to becoming an artist…

Lifepath number 2

The key word in your nature is peacemaker. You have the soul of an artist. You are extremely sensitive, perceptive, and a bit shy. These qualities are both your strengths and weaknesses, for while you possess enormous sensitivity to your feelings and those of others, that same sensitivity can cause you to hold back and…

Lifepath Number 1

A little about 1’s:  You are a born leader. You insist on your right to make up your own mind; you demand freedom of thought and action. You have drive and determination. You don’t let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal. You assume the responsibility to be…

Personality Number

     Your Personality number is derived from the consonants of your full name at birth.  Your Personality is like a narrow entrance hall to the great room that is your true nature.  It is those aspects that you feel comfortable sharing with people at the outset of a relationship.  With time and trust, you…