Word power?

It is advantageous to always use the words I AM to express what you are doing now and to energize what you desire to do asap. There is power in the word. Never use words that will end forward movement like…I can’t…there is no such place that exists. What does however is the words we…

What An Amazing Earth Year!

Today’s so special I have so much to be thankful for. Life as I knew it at the age of 33 has started with a new year 34 now and I feel better than ever. Learned so much this year I have to seen so much, shared and given so much. There are so many…


Smiles connected eyes mesmerizing reflected auras VIBES mystery just a peak looking back silently questioning is this a dream? beauty such as this unseen visually stimulating what a day!  

What i’m eating at the moment (audio post)

What i’m eating at the moment (All Vegan) of course~ SOUP~ rosemary, pepper, curry, onion, garlic, coconut milk, thyme, fenugreek, mushrooms, tomato, blackeyed peas, red lentiels, carrots, celery, barley, sweet peas, pumkin, salt, fresh ginger, sweet peas. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GREEN SMOOTHIE~ half of  a ripe plantain, pineapple juice,orange juice, spinach, blueberry, strawberry, mango with a splash of…

12 Powerful Affirmations for Couples

1. I come from the loving space of my heart, and I know that love opens new possibilities. 2. From time to time I ask my husband or wife, “How can I love you more?” 3. I radiate pure, unconditional love towards my partner. 4. I choose to see my husband clearly with the eyes…

Dating tip #1

Its important to not share your deepest childhood experiences too early with your new date, remember until you get to know this person a little better they are still a stranger, plus you do Not want to run them away. By the way this is for men and women ❤ All love~