Now i will retreat to a writing program called Write or Die

It such a lovely day outside. While i am inside struggling through the final days of November. I am on a race to finish the rough draft of my very first fiction novel,  this is a fantasy novel no doubt. I am smiling because the cycles have me wanting to meditate and nap all day.…

Character profile sheet

Since I’m writing my first fiction novel within a 30 day period; to celebrate novel-writing month for Nanowrimo. (See for more information) in a couple of days I’ve been researching all month-long for the coolest tools and tips to make my writing time as efficient as possible. this is another cool thing i found.…

I’m writing a novel in 30 days! Feel free to join me.

Wow..I may fit into this criteria, since I’m working on these novels is finished..I need to check the word count though. Is anyone doing this? Nope I sure don’t. Its looks like it doesn’t matter whether I’ve written anything before November 1st, since the writing starts on that day. i have 3 projects to crank out this year, anyway…