Releasing The Unhealthy Tendancy of Codependency

With each passing year most would likely agree that this life is very interesting. I would go as far to say it’s pretty damn perplexing, yeah I know. So, if you don’t think so I’ll tell you some reasons why I said that. Sometimes you might want to cry but instead how about we just…

Living Is So Many WOnderful Things..

This month has been extremely powerful, reflective and insightful…I am one day closer to seeing more of me and my incarnations lessons EVEN DEEPER…the depth is infinite! However i am completely open to realization of discovering the best part of me! If you see me in a new light from time to time, its because…

Your Love Can Heal The World~

The answer we seek is usually standing directly in front of us. I had some insight today that touched me to the point of tears. Trust me, No they weren’t tears of sadness but tears of joy. I was reading some important information about life that allowed an alternate way to look at life to…

Some of my favorite quotes of wisdom…

The force is strong within you! Success is in the air. You don’t need anyone to confirm your dream, YOU ARE the dream itself and you are making your dream come into fruition by brain storming and by also imaging the boundless opportunities that awaiting you getting motivated enough to do something about it! So…

Freestyle Bliss~

  With our thoughts- Prosperity… we are always manifesting it…looking at what we want in our lives and finessing it, light beings who live in the light, walk the positive path..choose love and the divine directed path..inside you I see abundance..let us continue to do the inner work of cultivating our persons’..we are it..Balance.. we…

Healing Amulets

Precious Stones and Crystals have intrigued people for ages. Our ancestors wore them for protection, vitality, life force equilibrium and for manifestation purposes as well. Since crystals have been here for so long, they carry much wisdom within them, this timeless wisdom was even programmed into certain crystals for future generations, with the hopes the minerals would…

Energizing Words To Nourish Your Self Image

Energize Your Words To Nourish Your Self Image Affirming goals is a way to remind you of the image you will to be in the future. You are already that person now. Time and space are never separate! You can also use these words to keep you in an active state, which is a way…

I Love Having The Ability To Do Readings

Today i am thankful for the ability to see what lies beneath the surface. I’m speaking about readings specifically. What readings? The type of readings that are done with shells, coins, cards and numbers. From my experience on the earth, its been 34 years now (this incarnation) anyway. My person wanted to know the truth…


Living truth is based on knowing that everything in the world has its place and then responding to that thing according to its divine order in the world~ it is based on the Law of Interdependence not color or style.   Related articles (((I))) come as you~ ( Full Moon Incite ( Divine Embrace (

Deep Love Manifesting in the mix~

What have you done for YOU lately? It is important to love yourself while you are in a relationship, for when you love yourself it is easier to love someone else. It’s bound to be easier to love others because the elements that make up balanced love affair are already cultivated and present. Not only…

Law of Attraction Awareness

We are always in the creation mode+ the attracting mode= manifesting mode. Know that we got that out of the way.  We must know that it is most important for us to constantly return to center. This is a reminder that we are the only ones who can direct our internal show. By internal show…