A Dedication To Men Everywhere

Give thanks to the men in your lives! i’m sending extra divine love to all the gorgeous brothas’ who take extra care of themselves mentally, health wise and in their dress..brothas ‘ who continue to make holistically based decisions and choices when no one is looking, indeed-you set a great example for our world at…

I Love Having The Ability To Do Readings

Today i am thankful for the ability to see what lies beneath the surface. I’m speaking about readings specifically. What readings? The type of readings that are done with shells, coins, cards and numbers. From my experience on the earth, its been 34 years now (this incarnation) anyway. My person wanted to know the truth…


Smiles connected eyes mesmerizing reflected auras VIBES mystery just a peak looking back silently questioning is this a dream? beauty such as this unseen visually stimulating what a day!  

Character profile sheet

Since I’m writing my first fiction novel within a 30 day period; to celebrate novel-writing month for Nanowrimo. (See http://www.Nanowri.org for more information) in a couple of days I’ve been researching all month-long for the coolest tools and tips to make my writing time as efficient as possible. this is another cool thing i found.…


We’re in a war with our persons..our thoughts..daily…anytime we’re ready we can stand tall and remake our fate -yes -REcreate that we saw in space…time..is no- -things- we are timeless– divineness..God is within this..everything…ONE…BREATHE…ALL OR NONE…life is simple..you create your reality with your words, energy and thoughts…YOUR AZZ AIN’T LOST…sit down and hear thyself..go deep…


breathe walk on the beach smell the air in the mountains let go get metaphysical stop doubting live up to your standards baby sit dance live alone cultivate the peace you are naturally highlight your gifts be patient talk to your ancestors let go give thanks attract your soul mate have a family remember your…