Please Press Play Come Enter Me

Listen to me read this piece here: Feeling this being Before ever meeting just because the frequencies favor. He knew me…read me right away Like a script I thought i was an independent documentary or something energetically he spoke my language Like a thief in the night he told me about our roles in the past…

Thanks for the ride

Whenever you speak, your words move through me. Pierce me without harm. I can see your face moving me onto you. The journey within has no possible end, yet I’m so enjoying it..Or is it you I’m so eloquently enjoying……?

Freestyle Bliss~

  With our thoughts- Prosperity… we are always manifesting it…looking at what we want in our lives and finessing it, light beings who live in the light, walk the positive path..choose love and the divine directed path..inside you I see abundance..let us continue to do the inner work of cultivating our persons’..we are it..Balance.. we…

A Dedication To Men Everywhere

Give thanks to the men in your lives! i’m sending extra divine love to all the gorgeous brothas’ who take extra care of themselves mentally, health wise and in their dress..brothas ‘ who continue to make holistically based decisions and choices when no one is looking, indeed-you set a great example for our world at…


Hey you~ You said you wanted someone deep… Although i think you meant in the sexual sense. Now i’m lost since that’s not the context we were speaking in. Where did that come from? I’m ..not that open. Let’s become friends. Your words cannot get me to sway..or to get into your bed. After careful listening, Silently reasoning…


Smiles connected eyes mesmerizing reflected auras VIBES mystery just a peak looking back silently questioning is this a dream? beauty such as this unseen visually stimulating what a day!  

Cocoa Venus

*This fly poem was posted on my page with my photo last month. It was such a kind gesture I’m reposting it here…it’s a nice one. Peace~ Enjoy…btw the author of this one is not me. Cocoa Venus Curved like a stairway…to Heaven! Cocoa Venus bebops do-wops in her clippity clops like a hip hop…

Divine POetry

This body is not me. I am not limited by this body. I am life without boundaries. I have never been born, and I have never died. Look at the ocean and the sky filled with stars, manifestations from my wondrous true mind. Since before time, I have been free. Birth and death are only…

Only human? Absolutely not!

 Many individuals think we are human. We are not. Humans cannot create anything without using their hands…and perhaps a brains too (smiling) Instead we are divine beings…we can bend time with our minds…focus on a goal and the universe will assist with carving the mold…even if another day must unfold.. Reality is no matter…the platform…