Your Love Can Heal The World~

The answer we seek is usually standing directly in front of us. I had some insight today that touched me to the point of tears. Trust me, No they weren’t tears of sadness but tears of joy. I was reading some important information about life that allowed an alternate way to look at life to…

Freestyle Bliss~

  With our thoughts- Prosperity… we are always manifesting it…looking at what we want in our lives and finessing it, light beings who live in the light, walk the positive path..choose love and the divine directed path..inside you I see abundance..let us continue to do the inner work of cultivating our persons’..we are it..Balance.. we…

A Dedication To Men Everywhere

Give thanks to the men in your lives! i’m sending extra divine love to all the gorgeous brothas’ who take extra care of themselves mentally, health wise and in their dress..brothas ‘ who continue to make holistically based decisions and choices when no one is looking, indeed-you set a great example for our world at…

Healing Amulets

Precious Stones and Crystals have intrigued people for ages. Our ancestors wore them for protection, vitality, life force equilibrium and for manifestation purposes as well. Since crystals have been here for so long, they carry much wisdom within them, this timeless wisdom was even programmed into certain crystals for future generations, with the hopes the minerals would…

Deep Love Manifesting in the mix~

What have you done for YOU lately? It is important to love yourself while you are in a relationship, for when you love yourself it is easier to love someone else. It’s bound to be easier to love others because the elements that make up balanced love affair are already cultivated and present. Not only…


Smiles connected eyes mesmerizing reflected auras VIBES mystery just a peak looking back silently questioning is this a dream? beauty such as this unseen visually stimulating what a day!  

12 Powerful Affirmations for Couples

1. I come from the loving space of my heart, and I know that love opens new possibilities. 2. From time to time I ask my husband or wife, “How can I love you more?” 3. I radiate pure, unconditional love towards my partner. 4. I choose to see my husband clearly with the eyes…

Dating tip #1

Its important to not share your deepest childhood experiences too early with your new date, remember until you get to know this person a little better they are still a stranger, plus you do Not want to run them away. By the way this is for men and women ❤ All love~