Got Values? Take 2~

  Be Successful In All Your Endeavors   Divine wisdom can come from anyone since the indwelling force of the Universe is within all. And even though one may hear wise words from a stranger on the street that may fit in with your journey, its important to have system in place to stay grounded…

Energy Check~

We should be mindful of who we are giving our energies to and for what purpose? ..if we take a deeper look at the reasoning behind some of our interactions we would see that its only superficially based on what we can get or take from someone else.. If this is the case most, likely…

A Dedication To Men Everywhere

Give thanks to the men in your lives! i’m sending extra divine love to all the gorgeous brothas’ who take extra care of themselves mentally, health wise and in their dress..brothas ‘ who continue to make holistically based decisions and choices when no one is looking, indeed-you set a great example for our world at…

I Love Having The Ability To Do Readings

Today i am thankful for the ability to see what lies beneath the surface. I’m speaking about readings specifically. What readings? The type of readings that are done with shells, coins, cards and numbers. From my experience on the earth, its been 34 years now (this incarnation) anyway. My person wanted to know the truth…

Check out The Biggest Contest Ever!

ATTENTION: There is a HUGE contest.. The Universe is coming together with us to assist us in manifesting our very best..but first you must apply by writing down what you want followed by visualizing what you want while also keeping your person in a state of balance so you will feel good more times than…


Click Here to check it out: LAW OF ATTRACTXON UNIVERSITY®. on Facebook. The ultimate goal of this group is to remind individuals that we ALL have unlimited power to make UNLIMITED changes in our lives and in the world as well. The Universe/ Creator/ God is within everything and everyone. Whenever we think, we create things in the world. There is power…

Make your Values clear

Divine wisdom can come from anyone since the indwelling force of the Universe is within all. And even though one may hear wise words from a stranger on the street that may fit with the path one may be on, its important to have goals to keep one sharply planted on the ground throughout there…

You Are The Completeness That You Seek

Nothing from the outside can make you complete inside. If you don’t see the reason to be joyful in your life there’s only one key reason for that and its that you’re not seeing the true reason-divine reason that you came to earth this time. Take some time to reflect on the things that have…