Got Values? Take 2~


Be Successful In All Your Endeavors


Divine wisdom can come from anyone since the indwelling force of the Universe is within all. And even though one may hear wise words from a stranger on the street that may fit in with your journey, its important to have system in place to stay grounded . Distractions will come and go but you do not have to be moved by anything .


Listen and allow information, thoughts and words to pass majority of the time. Understand that everything is not for you. Keep this in mind and you can expect continuous success on your journey. If you choose to walk off your path along the way. Regret nothing, just do better next time!


Some people may call your life delayed and a waste of time. However productive life appears to be, life is a huge classroom to learn in. So where ever you are, you can move through it. Even the want to continue your forward movement even when you should not, is exactly where your person life path is supposed to be. Nothing is by accident.


Choices between two or more things will have to be made often in life, what is important is to get past this doubt you have within of whether you made a sound investment in your future or not. You have to have a starting point to reason from. I’m talking about a values system. That way, if someone comes along and asks you to do something you always choose to take action or not, based on the values system you have. No values= no clear sense of direction. Learn to choose before crossroads (decisions) come. Your values system is a core list of do’s and don’t as it pertains to your personality, goals and understanding of life.


Part 1. For example: Antonio Does Not drink alcohol(period). Make a list of Do’s and Don’t’s

Part 2. For example: Antonio Does meditate regularly(period. Make part 2 your list of virtues and values.

Since you have a list of do’s, you may rank them also in accordance to their priority to others on the list. This is the list you will focus and meditate on before the crossroads (challenging choices) come your way. Also keep in mind and write down some cause and effect items to remind you of what will happen (benefits) if you do stay on target with your values or do the opposite. This exercise will aid you a great deal with staying on the road to abundance! You will also feel better knowing that you are living with purpose!


In life its great to have a plan in place for personal accountability. If you look at history. There are times life was more peaceful, people had values they governed their lives by. Their values coincided and reflected divine law or in other words, the laws of nature. If we look around us now, there is not much reflection of living in harmony with nature. The maximum transformation will take place in the world when persons start using their inner power to visualize the entire world living fruitfully.


I visualize a place where people remember (the Universe) has certain laws in place that cannot be avoided by even the brightest person living. Once we learn to use our power of thought and vibrations of peace to create abundantly. We can also heal ourselves and this planet by seeing only what we want to see more of.


It does not matter what anyone does to stop the process of creation. LIKE ATTRACTS LIKE. We get what we put out through thoughts, words and actions. As you make a change within, the shift will not happen through one, it will indefinitely be through joint efforts. The connection we have to one another is infinite and real. Its like waiting for your toes to walk you somewhere, to heal the world, it will take the entire body. Focus on the oneness with happiness, feel the peace.


Whose rules are you living by? If you are not the one making the rules then what point are you reasoning from? We all have conditioned values we attach to our persons. The exercise of checking your values is used to edit and rewrite the script of your life for clarity and success..


When you are feeling “OFF BALANCE” it may be time to have a values centered reflection on the current events cluttering your life. We have been conditioned to have a value system based on our earthly life experiences. It is important to take note of what you value in your world. Knowing your core values gives you immense freedom of choice. You are no longer bound by unknown challenges.


For example: There are many reasons why you may not be manifesting success on your chosen career track, with your job, your small business, or other areas of work. One possibility could be a conflict between your core values and the company that employs you. A job may expect you to do something that conflicts with your ethics. Take a good look at the people around you to see what their values are. When you are living your core values, making a decision is easy. Life is simple.Knowing your core values gives you immense freedom of choice. When you live by values, you remove many unknown challenges.


 Here are some core values to think about:



































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