Please Press Play Come Enter Me

Listen to me read this piece here: Feeling this being Before ever meeting just because the frequencies favor. He knew me…read me right away Like a script I thought i was an independent documentary or something energetically he spoke my language Like a thief in the night he told me about our roles in the past…

What i’m eating at the moment (audio post)

What i’m eating at the moment (All Vegan) of course~ SOUP~ rosemary, pepper, curry, onion, garlic, coconut milk, thyme, fenugreek, mushrooms, tomato, blackeyed peas, red lentiels, carrots, celery, barley, sweet peas, pumkin, salt, fresh ginger, sweet peas. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ GREEN SMOOTHIE~ half of  a ripe plantain, pineapple juice,orange juice, spinach, blueberry, strawberry, mango with a splash of…